
Testing Testing ... 1, 2, 3

I'm trying out a new "look" for the blog. I switched out some fonts and played with the banner? The background is really busy, but I really like it, so I decided to leave it for now. What do you think? I beg of you, be brutally honest.

If you can't remember, this is what the blog looked like two days ago, take another peek:

I'm sure there's more morphing to be done, so weigh with your thoughts in now!


Emily said...

I like your top banner a lot now! I like all the improvements. Keep playing with it!

Quinn W said...

Looks great! I honestly like either. I think I like the fonts on this one, they have flair. But I do like the fact that the same green swirly background on your original showed through on your main body area with the content.

Either way, it's bold, sassy, and classy!

Rachael said...

Oh, no! I can't see fun print from some computers/browsers. Tell me, do you see fun print (with serifs and scribbles) or boring print (arial-esque)?

Rachael said...

P.S. Emily and Quinn, thanks for your nice comments! You are sweet!

Traveler24 said...

Personally, I really like the new look. I love the worn suitcase in your banner. It gives it a sense of experience and "good story" feeling.

Love it!

Little Wonder Lauren said...

I wasn't following your blog earlier, so I can only comment on the contrast between the screen shot and the way it is now -- but I think it's better now because the busy pattern relegated to the sides -- it's enough that we can appreciate the pattern but not be overwhelmed by it.

Is the header image shorter? I like that, too. I think I might need to reduce the side of my own header image...

Quinn W said...

The titles of the posts are in the pretty curly and the content is more of a plain arial type, but I think that totally works and makes it readable!