
Nose in the News

Things are growing turbulent on this side of the world, and it seems as though I've picked just the right country to nestle up in. If it isn't the prime minister of Japan stepping down from his seat, then it's the swarms of protesters taking over the Thai PM's office, forcing him to declare the city of Bangkok a state of emergency. Oh, and then there was that 5.8-mag earthquake in New Zealand, but not to worry, there was no damage or injuries.

If it sounds like I'm a walking newswire, perhaps its true. A month of adventure has left me in a watch-CNN-over-breakfast, read-the-NYTimes-during-lunch-break rut. (In other words, I'm a grown-up?) It just goes to show real life happens no matter where you are. I should have been eating, breathing and sleeping current events long ago -- I did, after all, graduate from the "E.W. Scripps School of Journalism."


I like having the time to soak in extra news. It gives me something to talk about in the office, though Bandol has turned it against me. His most recent ploy in trying to get me to extend my stay to help out the university is dangling in front of me the idea of revamping The Cambodia Weekly. One day at a time, I keep telling him. A big lesson to learn here in Cambodia is to go with the flow, and I'm finally getting to the point where I'm allowing myself to do that. So no big decisions just yet.

So what about the news back home? Hurricane Gustav? Political conventions? Things seem to be pretty hot on the other side of the world as well. Give me the scoop.


Crys said...

A blue-and-gold macaw was stolen from Texas and they have it on film! How is that news for you? he he.

Funny how one day your wake up and you realize that you're reading the news daily now. And it's like "Whoa, when did I grow up?!?"

KBrock said...

A very abbrieviated state of affairs in the U.S....

There are a lot of hurricanes and Hurricane Gustav was threatening New Orleans, so they completely evacuated it. Nothing was near as bad as they thought, but it was a better safe than sorry situation.

This hurricane situation took away almost all news coverage from the Republican National Convention. Other fun news, Palin, the VP McCain picked, has a 17 year old pregnant daughter.

I, am not all that good with news and politics, because I'm working at Jimmy John's all day. But I think I got the basics.