
Where the Wild Things Are

I know I'm a little late on the promotions, but I have to give my two cents on this movie: Go see it!

We loved the book as kids, and we will love the movie as adults. "Where the Wild Things Are" is not your typical film version of a popular kids' book. (Kids might enjoy it, but they definitely won't appreciate the beauty of it.) Instead, it's an adult's reflection of an old favorite. How can you take Maurice Sendak's illustrative genius and turn it into a 2-hour feature? You expand upon an idea. You tap into the mind of a child. You linger in a bit of childhood nostalgia. And you make the pictures move. That's what Spike Jones did and I'm in love love love. So tasteful. So artistic. I want to watch it again! (And dig the book out of storage.)

(Plus, isn't the song in the trailer awesome? Making room for Arcade Fire on my playlist as we speak.)


Unknown said...

The movie is great, but I would go so far as to say that any child younger than a teenager would not enjoy the movie at all.

"Wake Up" is a fantastic song that usually finds its way on most of my work trip play lists. Most of Arcade Fire's setlists from its last tour began with this song.

Emily said...

I never really liked that book as a kid...I didn't see what all the fuss was about. (I know, I know...) I wasn't really planning on seeing the movie either. Maybe I will now to see if it makes sense as an adult.

Laura Lee Bloor of Tenacious Me said...

Glad to hear you liked it -- I've been reading/hearing mixed reviews on it though.

I'm super excited to go see it because not only do I love the book, but also I love Dave Eggars.